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Monday, February 25, 2013

Pitung Hero from Indonesia

For the people of Betawi, Pitung is a hero. He lived in the 19th century, residents Rawabelong, with his father, Piun, Cirebon origin and his mother, Pinah, of Batavia.Pitung became famous not only for his courage against the Dutch, but also concern for the fate of the oppressed by the Dutch and landlords."At that time, the social life of the community are not humane. The landlord did not hesitate to ask for higher taxes to farmers. If farmers can not immediately pay the tax in accordance with the fall due, then the landlord's goons will force the farmers to the rugged ways. Well in a situation like that, comes the Si Pitung, "said Alwi Shahab, author novel Pitung, Robin Hood Betawi.On his way, Si Pitung not only protect people from the goons (hired warriors) of the landlords, but also robbing their property, and then distribute them to poor people. The Pitung lunge toward this, not just landlords who are not calm, but also the Netherlands. "Jakarta is not safe. Eventually the Dutch lower Hinne Schout van, the police chief to arrest Si Pitung, "he continued.AS a fugitive, Pitung not have a definite place to stay. That said, he had lived in Depok city, precisely in one of the buildings owned by a Dutch nobleman, Cornelis Chastelein. Depok residents often refer to older buildings as house cottage China, because it is situated in the Village of Cottage China, District Beji.Unfortunately, the old building located on Jalan Raya Margonda is gone. Buildings to witness history in Depok has been besieged by a mall named supermegah Margonda City. Indeed, the construction project Margonda City not to evict the building. Even so, the function of the building was turned into a cafe.Other stories, Pitung also lived in Kampung Marunda, both in the Masjid Al Alam or at home joglo Marundo Pulo village.Many versions of Pitung relationship with Al Alam mosque. Some say that Masjid Al Alam is the place to play Pitung, religious study, learn a blow to OPAS and hidden from the Company. But there is also a saying when Pitung only a brief stop at Masjid Al Alam to establish prayer. Two opinion is becoming stronger because there is no physical evidence that could explain the presence of Pitung at the mosque, except the public's understanding about that Pitung been in the mosque.In addition to the Al Alam, pitung also set foot in the village of Pulo Marunda, precisely in the form joglo house located approximately 250 m to the south of the mosque of Al Alam. As with the Masjid Al Alam, a variety of opinion explain the relationship with the home joglo Pitung this. Some say that the house belonged Pitung, but also there is an argument that explains that the house belonged to a rich man who had disatroni Pitung and his followers. "The museum claimed it belonged to the Pitung. When in fact it belongs to the rich and ever digarong same Marunda Pitung, "said Sambo bin Ishak M, vice-chairman of the board of Masjid Al Alam.Not nativeHOUSE stage was originally built three bedroom, but then two of them removed so that only one room, without furniture. 15 meters in length and width of five meters. In the middle there is an additional wing on either side, each 1.5 meters. Everything is made of teak wood board, and there are some parts of iron, like the bars of the windows and roof support.Existing buildings stanchion 40 pieces, two feet high, two-meter high building also. Because of its shape like that, the room seemed short, especially if you go through the door, visitors have to duck.Floors of teak wood board, skillful still new. There is a ten-leaf doors and windows are barred, while the other two without bars and leaves. Windows during the day it is always open. In the winner's home Betawi lived for several years after being chased and finally caught the Netherlands, died and was buried in Slaughter said.If the tides, the yard and the house under the sea flooded up to 50 cm. Building paint is faded blood red.Atit Fauzi H, figure Marunda Pulo, once said that the house Pitung was not the original building, except for the location where the house was built. The house formerly owned by the original sero fishing skipper, namely Haji Syafiuddin.While the homeowner is changing the name, originated from the city government effort to perpetuate the name Pitung, and subsequently designated as heritage in 1992.

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